For some addons or applications you want to run you will need .NET framework 2.0.
Therefor this procedure :
Step 1 : Login as Administrator and disable WriteFilter
Boot your WinXPe and press the 2 shift buttons while booting.
Auto-logon will be bypassed this way and allows you to logon with Administrator account. By default username : Administrator & password : Administrator (Capital A).
Step 2 : Download DOTNETFIX.exe and store it on a USB stick.
Step 3 : Configure XPe to allow the installation to run
- Plug in your USB stick in your thinclient and wait until it’s recognized.
- Go to Control Panel>System>Advanced>Environment Variables and change the “TEMP” and “TMP” variables to the root of the USB Stick and press OK and close the system properties.
- Go to the Control Panel. Launch the Ramdisk and write down the current setting. Change the value to 64Mb. This will reboot your unit.
Step 4 : Start the installation
- Login as Administrator
- Open My Computer
- Navigate to your flash drive and execute the DOTNETFX.EXE file.
- Wait until the installation process completes (could be up to 20minutes).
- Reboot
Step 5 : Revert the XPe configuration settings
- Login as Administrator (holding down 2 Shift-buttons)
- revert the Temp settings
- Enable WriteFilter
- Reboot
The link to the Wyse KB with the same procedure can be found here :,23871,-1,0,&jtfm0=&etfm1=&jfn=ZG16ACF3990F67D4E1026EC4748F20473CCAE2BF777780417FC076681307EDA28BC80196C7A44A39FFD4389447C8E30D01BC&oas=3pnERZC5UrfcE7wWa0RYSA..